Boards and Commissions

The City of Norman encourages citizen participation on the boards and commissions that provide guidance for the betterment of our City.

Qualification of members and continuation in office require that members of appointive boards and commissions shall, at the time of their appointment be residents of the City; not be members of the immediate family of any elected City official; not be a full-time City employee; and not be a member of any other appointive board or commission.  Members shall continue in office during their term until such time it expires or if absent from (3) consecutive regular meetings shown by the official minutes of that board or commission they will be considered ineligible to serve. ( Sec. 4-105).  

Current Vacancies:

Development Oversight Committee for TIF District No. 2 - 1 vacancy

Norman Forward Sales Tax Citizen Financial Oversight Board - Ward 8 - 1 vacancy




Board Application


Meeting schedules, including current copies, and archived meeting agendas and minutes can be accessed here. Documents from 2023 to the present can be accessed on Municode. If you have any questions or if you are needing a copy of an agenda that is not posted please contact the City Clerk's office at 405-366-5386.